This card was sitting on a shelf in the university bookshop just begging to be bought for my supervisor, so I duly obliged :) It is a Mike Williams cartoon. |
I'm dreaming of... not a white Christmas, but of getting my thesis finished sometime before
Doomsday :D
I have the required number of words - 40,000 (well actually a few more than that by now...) Whether they make sense or not is another matter. Currently I am trying to determine the sense or otherwise of my many words, a process also known as editing (colloquially termed
tearing one's hair out). This delightful little procedure shall be finished by the end of February, because it has to be, otherwise this is what the university will do to me:
Working title number... well, I can't remember, but it's very many, is currently
Faith and the City: Piety, Place and the Passion in Fifteenth-Century York. The thesis is in two parts, the first looking at the nature and character of the York Mass and the York mystery plays, the second re-imagining or re-creating the medieval experience of Mass and and plays. This gives me opportunity liberally to illustrate Part II with lots of my lovely photographs of the lovely York churches.
This is what my future examiner will ask when confronted with my thesis. Via |
MA students discuss their work in the University of Auckland Arts Computer Lab, which is so dark, dingy and grey as to pass for a very fair imitation of a medieval dungeon. (This is why I work mostly from home.) via |
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