Monday 14 November 2016

Annual ballet concert

Not remotely medieval, but it's my blog :D

My students are dancing Friday/Saturday - come and cheer us on!

* NB Saturday 10th is also the Coca-Cola Christmas in the Park at the Auckland Domain, so parking will be manic. Ye be warned. *


  1. Relieved to see your posting this morning. Deo Gratias! Aunt Elly and I have been very worried and praying for you and the family since the earthquake. That was huge! God Bless!
    Love, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Elly, OXO,OXO

    1. Thankyou!! Yes, happily for us Auckland is a fair way from the epicentre, so we are all fine. Many thanks for the prayers and much love,
      Eleanor xox xox
