Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Progress on the pop-up Globe


You may remember me mentioning the pop-up Globe here, back in June. Dr Miles Gregory is bringing this portable replica of Shakespeare's Globe to Auckland early next year and the location has just been announced: 38 Greys Ave, CBD (near the Town Hall and Aotea Square). Currently this plot is a carpark (well, if a carpark was good enough for Richard III, it's good enough for the bard who immortalised him) but it will now be renamed Bard's Yard!

Currently Romeo and Juliet (opening 19th February) and Twelfth Night (opening 20th February) both have confirmed runs at the theatre. Other plays may also run, but this is yet to be confirmed.

The website for the pop-up Globe is (Facebook

And there are various news articles here:

NZ Herald

Can this cockpit hold 
The vasty fields of France? Or may we cram
Within this wooden O the very casques
That did afright the air at Agincourt? 
(Henry V I.1.)

The pop-up Globe will actually be made not strictly of wood but rather of steel and plywood... but that's a minor detail...

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